Protecting the health and safety of our employees, clients and collaborators around the world has been our priority during COVID-19
SUSTAINABILITY | 2021.06.09Fundación MAPFRE allocates over one million euros to alleviating the impact of Covid-19 in Brazil[maco_author author="user_13" _builder_version="4.4.8" custom_margin="16px||||false|false" custom_margin_tablet="40px||||false|false"...
COMMITMENT| 03.06.2021Fundación MAPFRE launches projects to combat poverty and social exclusion in Chile[maco_author author="user_13" _builder_version="4.4.8" custom_margin="16px||||false|false" custom_margin_tablet="40px||||false|false" custom_margin_phone=""...
Fundación MAPFRE has donated more than 230,000 euros to produce a thousand pieces of equipment for a city in dire need of oxygen and with its hospitals on their knees.
HEALTH| 29.12.2020 Cities across Argentina receive donation of advanced medical equipment from Fundación MAPFRE [maco_author...
COMPROMISE| 01.12.2020 The Verti umbrella for vulnerable people in Germany [maco_author author="user_13"...
MAPFRE signs an agreement with Children’s Villages in the Philippines to strengthen child protection
HEALTH | 05.11.2020MAPFRE signs an agreement with Children's Villages in the Philippines to strengthen child protection[maco_author...
HEALTH | 22.10.2020 The Villa Elisa Hospital in Paraguay provides a new opportunity for Fundación MAPFRE to get involved in combating...
HEALTH | 22.10.2020Fundación MAPFRE: Over 400 scholarships granted to train intensive care staff in Argentina[maco_author...
HEALTH| 19.10.2020 Fundación MAPFRE makes another contribution in Brazil to provide food and support prevention efforts in light of...
HEALTH | 08.10.2020Fundación MAPFRE increases donations to older people in the Dominican Republic [maco_author author="user_13"...
HEALTH | 08.10.2020 Fundación MAPFRE donates funds to buy oxygen and ventilators for COVID-19 patients in Peru [maco_author...
Fundación MAPFRE has joined ten other Spanish and Colombian organizations in the “Ayudar nos hace bien” (Helping does us good) campaign, which, among its objectives, aims to provide food to the most vulnerable families