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Management Insights & Investor Days

  • 2021
  • 2019
  • 2017
  • 2016

Management Insights Day 2021 Presentation

Management Insights Day 2021 Transcript

MAPFRE held its first Management Insights Day on March 16, 2021. During the event, several of the Group’s key executives discussed the most relevant topics for the Company. Access to the event was available exclusively online via the corporate website.

The agenda below provides more information regarding speakers and contents of the event.

SubjectParticipantsTime (CET)
Strategy Update and Business ReviewMr. Huertas10:00-10:30
ReinsuranceMr. Pérez de Lema10:30-10:50
Investments & Asset ManagementMr. Jiménez10:50-11:10
Capital ManagementMr. Mata11:10-11:30

Investor Day 2019 Presentation (PDF 8MB)

Transcript Investor Day 2019 (PDF, 15MB)

MAPFE held its third Investor Day on March 25, 2019 in the Fundación MAPFRE auditorium in Madrid. During the event, several of the Group’s top executives discussed the key businesses and the new three-year strategic plan. The event was also available via webcast.

The agenda below provides more information regarding speakers and content of this edition.


Subject ParticipantsTimes
Opening remarks and 2019-2021 Strategic PlanMr. Huertas / Mr. Gurtubay9:00 - 9:40
Capital Managment / Investment ManagementMr. Mata / Mr. Jiménez9:40 - 10:10
1st Q&A - Coffee Break-10:10-11:00
MAPFRE REMr. Perez de Lema11:00-11:20
MAPFRE BRAZILMr. Pérez Serrabona11:20-11:40
International Territorial Area: Core Markets / MAPFRE USAMr. Tamayo / Mr. Castelo11:40-12:20
2nd Q&A-12:20-13:00
MAPFRE Open InnovationMr. Arias13:00-13:20
Closing remarksMr. Huertas13:20- 13:30
Light Lunch-13:30-14:30

MAPFRE held its second Investor Day on December 1, 2017. In order for the largest audience possible to join us, the event was webcast exclusively via the company’s website.


Investor Day 2017 Presentation


Friday, December 1, 2017

9:00 - 9:30Opening RemarksMr. Huertas
9:30 -
Capital ManagementMr. Mata
10:00 -
Cat risk management within MAPFRE GROUPMr. Pérez de Lema
Q&AMr. Mata / Mr. Pérez de Lema / Ms. Núñez
Restructuring in International Business / US footprintMr. Tamayo / Mr. Castelo
Q&AMr. Mata / Mr. Tamayo / Mr. Castelo / Ms. Núñez
12:10 -
Wrap up session & Closing RemarksMr. Huertas
Q&AAll participants

MAPFRE hosted its first Investor Day on November 16th in Madrid. The event offered the opportunity to know more in depth the most relevant regions and business units where MAPFRE operates.

Presentation Investor Day 2016


    Wednesday, 16th November

    9:00 - 9:15OPENINGMr. Tejera / Mr. MataFundación MAPFRE, Salón de Actos, Recoletos, 23
    9:15 - 10:15SPAINMr. Inchausti-
    10:15 - 10:45LATAM – BRAZILMr. Bausela / Mr. Toneto-
    10:45 - 11:15Q&A / SPAIN - LATAM - BRAZILMr. Inchausti / Mr. Bausela / Mr. Toneto-
    11:15 - 11:45Coffee Break--
    11:45 - 12:15INTERNATIONAL - USAMr. Tamayo / Mr. Castelo-
    12:15 - 12:45MAPFRE REMr. Perez de Lema-
    12:45 - 13:15Q&A / INTERNATIONAL - USA - REMr. Tamayo / Mr. Castelo / Mr. Perez de Lema
    13:15 – 14:30LUNCH--
    14:30 - 15:00CORPORATE INVESTMENT AREAMr. Jiménez-
    15:30 - 16:00Q&A / INVESTMENTS - CAPITAL - STRATEGYMr. Mata / Mr. Jiménez-
    16:00 - 16:30CLOSING REMARKSMr. Huertas-