Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)

HEALTH| 29.12.2020

Cities across Argentina receive donation of advanced medical equipment from Fundación MAPFRE

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Fundación MAPFRE has made a new donation of medical equipment in Argentina to public hospitals in Salta, Jujuy, Córdoba and Buenos Aires, to continue supporting the fight against COVID-19. Since the start of the pandemic, the foundation has allocated 390,000 euros in aid to the country as part of its global plan in 30 countries, with a budget of 35 million.

In Buenos Aires, specifically, an obstetric ultrasound transducer was delivered to Hospital Argerich and new beds were delivered to the Hospital General de Agudos Bernardino Rivadavia for its dedicated COVID-19 area.

In Córdoba, donations of electric height-adjustable beds and a fiber-optic bronchoscope were delivered to Hospital Rawson. The Municipal Emergency Hospital received a video laryngoscope and hospitals in the Salta province—Hospital Dr. Joaquín Castellanos in General Güemes and Hospital Santa Teresita in Cerrillos—received an emergency medical unit.

In Jujuy, the Hospital General Manuel Belgrano received multi-parameter monitors, a laryngoscope, bag valve masks, brooms, disposable glove boxes and pressure relief mattresses. Hospital Nuestra Señora in Pilar will now have multi-parameter monitors, a five-code analyzer and a hematology analyzer. In addition, Fundación MAPFRE has donated a horizontal washing machine, an air-conditioning device and a refrigerating machine to store medication to the Oscar Orías Hospital.