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Home > Strategic Plan 2024-2026

Strategic Plan 2024-2026

We are a company with a differentiating purpose, one that focuses on people and what’s going on around them. Our commitment to making a meaningful contribution to tackling the global challenges facing humanity is unwavering.

We care about what matters to our clients, our employees, our intermediaries and collaborators, our shareholders and, in short, we care about everything that matters to, and impacts on, our society.

We’re setting out on a new chapter, with our eyes fixed on growth and improved results, and so we present here a new three-year strategic cycle, covering the period 2024 to 2026.

We’re holding firm on the core values that have brought us to where we are now:

  • Financial strength.
  • Service excellence and proximity to the client.
  • Trust-based personal relationships and taking proper care of all stakeholders.
  • Ethical and social commitment to the environment and to people.

The new road map will facilitate us in making good on the public commitments and aspirational objectives set out in the Strategic Plan 2024-2026.

We’re integrating sustainability into our business development in a comprehensive and progressive manner, with a special focus on:

  • Managing the environmental footprint and supporting the development of the circular economy
  • Developing inclusive policies, supporting financial education and promoting greater accessibility to insurance
  • Promoting better business governance, with greater transparency and looking out for our social footprint.
  • Managing our business in such a way that it reflects our commitment to all stakeholders, developing products, investments and underwriting that are more aligned with the Sustainable Development Objectives.

Our objectives related to the strategic pillar of sustainability are shown here.