Madrid 2,49 EUR -0 (-0,08 %)
Madrid 2,49 EUR -0 (-0,08 %)

Value Chain

Together, we can make a real change. That’s why our providers also have a key role to play in this change process.

We continue to work toward having 100% of our preferred providers in the homeowners, auto, and health networks, in those countries that represent 95% of Group revenues, as well as our procurement providers, approved in line with ESG sustainability criteria by 2026.

The transformations we seek

Sustainable provider management model

This model aims to consolidate and, above all, provide guidance surrounding actions carried out with providers to ensure that they are in line with our sustainability approach.

The model encompasses codes of conduct, ESG clauses, sustainability approval system and audits, and systems for continual improvement.

Porveedores sostenibles 256
Modelo global de compras 256

Global procurement model for support providers

The procurement strategy is defined centrally and implemented in a decentralized manner by each country through its local procurement group, which has contracting authority.

Further information.

Learn more about our corporate procurement regulations here.