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Madrid 2,752 EUR -0,06 (-2,2 %)

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Our business

At MAPFRE we are leaders in the majority of the markets in which we operate. We have achieved this thanks to our proprietary differentiated management model, which is designed to achieve profitable growth and is based on several factors:

  • transformation and innovation,
  • geographic diversification,
  • client orientation, for both the private and business sectors,
  • customer service via multiple channels,
  • offering a wide variety of products and services,
  • caring for people.

Our business model focuses not only on delivering financial results, but also on doing so in a sustainable manner, so as to contribute to the development of the societies in which we operate. The success of this model is based on our good governance practices, our sense of responsibility in environmental and investment aspects and our contribution to society.

What we offer

Focused on people, we offer an insurance program featuring Life, health, accident, property and casualty protection (i.e. automobile and homeowner insurance, personal third-party liability insurance, etc.), savings and investment, retirement, burial, travel and leisure insurance solutions. All tailored to each country, according to the client’s needs.

We also help professionals, entrepreneurs, the self-employed and small businesses to develop their projects. Our portfolio of products and services, which contains solutions for vehicles, third-party liability and assets, agriculture and livestock etc., allows business owners to concentrate on their professional activity, as well as insuring their personal risks, such as accident, health, Life, retirement, savings and investment.

For all companies, small, medium and large corporations, we have a range of products and services adapted to each of their activities, local, national and global level, each one adjusted to our clients’ management model.

MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS is our specialized unit for large companies, and offers solutions for large risks (aviation, energy, industry, construction etc.) that are built on our experience leading global international programs for the most complex risks.

In addition, we also offer reinsurance services through MAPFRE RE, which provides services both to MAPFRE and to other insurers in more than 100 countries through 19 offices.
Our management firm, MAPFRE AM, is responsible for applying the principles of socially responsible investment and managing the group’s and our clients’ investments.