Results June 2018
MAPFRE consolidated revenue reached 14.1 billion euros, and attributable result reached 385.7 million euros.
Revenue June 2018
Premiums reached 12 billion euros, with a decline of 8.4%, due to the effect of currency depreciation and discreet development of premium issuing in Brazil, United States, Turkey, Colombia and Chile. At constant exchange rates, premium variation would be -2.3%.
Revenue from investments reached 1.3 billion euros, below the previous period, due to the recurrent low-interest rate environment in Europe and the fall in interest rates in Brazil and other countries in LATAM, as well as lower financial gains. The absence of gains from the sale of real estate in 2018 is also relevant.
Premiums June 2018
Combined ratio June 2018
Net result June 2018
The attributable result reached 385.7 million euros, decreasing by -7.1%, primarily as a result of the following events occurring in the first half of 2018:
- The fall in net financial income, due mainly to the decrease in interest rates in Brazil and other LATAM countries, as well as the low-interest rate environment in Europe.
- The absence of atypical operations with relevant contributions to earnings for the period. It is important to point out that in the Life business from the previous period, non-technical revenue included the cancellation of a provision for contingent payments in the bancassurance channel in Spain totaling 27.2 million euros, net of taxes. Additionally, the sale of real estate on calle Luchana in Madrid contributed a 29.0 million net profit in 2017.
- Expenses from the restructuring operations in Brazil and the United States.
Balance sheet to June 2018
- The changes in Financial Investments, as well as in the headings for Assets and Liabilities from insurance and reinsurance operations, are a result of the business management process itself. The increase in technical provisions and in reinsurance participation in technical provisions is, in part, in line with the increase in gross reserves from the claims registered from the catastrophic events occurring last September and the corresponding cession to reinsurers.
- Changes in equity correspond to the earnings from the period and the agreement about distribution of dividends, as well as to changes in value of investments available for sale and currency conversion differences of financial accounts denominated in currencies other than the euro.
- The heading for Assets held for sale primarily include, to June 2018, the valuation of businesses in the United States that have been included in the business restructuring operation for the country, for the amount of 125.9 million euros. To December 2017, this heading contained the valuation of assets corresponding to the sale operation of Union Duero for the amount of 141.7 million euros.
Assets under management
Ratio de Solvencia II
- High quality capital base: 8.4 billion euros in Tier 1 (93% of eligible own funds)
- “Fully loaded” Solvency II ratio: ≈184% (excluding impact of transitional measures on technical provisions and equity)
Strategic Plan 2016-2018

Client orientation
Clients have always been the focal point of our efforts each and every day. Our goal in this three-year period is to generate profound insight into our clients, and to transform our processes and offering in order to address their current and future needs, as well as enhancing the client experience in all markets, and with all products.

Excellence in technical and operational management
MAPFRE is aiming to bolster those areas that have traditionally formed the basis of its insurance activities. To achieve this we will optimize each product, improving services to ensure that we are more competitive and deliver on performance and profitability targets.

Digital transformation
The objective is to improve our capacity to interact with clients, with simpler procedures that empower clients to manage their own products. We will optimize tools in order to provide more services, enhance quality and generate greater value for clients.

Culture and human talent
A culture of hard work, productivity and efficiency has always been a hallmark of MAPFRE. We will introduce new policies to nurture talent, leadership and teamwork, and to capitalize on the full potential of our personnel in strategic areas.
Acontecimientos relevantes

Santander y MAPFRE distribuirán conjuntamente seguros de no vida en Portugal
Julio 2019
El banco distribuirá en exclusiva en la red Santander en Portugal los seguros de automóviles, multirriesgo PYME y seguros de responsabilidad civil de MAPFRE.

MAPFRE AM y GSI lanzan un fondo de impacto social con un primer objetivo de 50 millones para financiar empresas
Julio 2019
MAPFRE AM y Global Social Impact Investments SGIIC (GSI) se alían para otorgar financiación a empresas de alto impacto social tanto en mercados frontera como emergentes.

MAPFRE lanza «RENTA DIVIDENDO EUROPA», un nuevo Unit Linked ligado al Índice EuroStoxx 50
Julio 2019
MAPFRE refuerza la oferta en seguros de vida-ahorro con el lanzamiento de RENTA DIVIDENDO EUROPA, un nuevo unit linked ligado a la evolución de una cartera de acciones con alta rentabilidad trimestral por dividendos, cotizadas en el índice europeo EuroStoxx50.

MAPFRE participa en el fondo sectorial para proteger a profesionales sanitarios frente al COVID-19
Abril 2019
MAPFRE ha aportado 5,7 millones de euros al fondo sectorial constituido por las compañías aseguradoras para proteger al personal sanitario que lucha contra el COVID-19 en España.
Dividendos y accionariado
MAPFRE continúa creando valor para el accionista
El día 25 de junio se abonó el dividendo complementario de 0,0858 euros brutos por acción, tras haberse aplicado de forma proporcional el importe correspondiente a las acciones en autocartera a las restantes acciones.
El dividendo en efectivo con cargo a resultados del ejercicio 2019 y neto de autocartera asciende a 0,146 euros brutos por acción.
Evolución bursátil
MAPFRE – IBEX 35 – Stoxx Insurance
Evolución de la acción: 31 diciembre 2019 – 30 junio 2020