Madrid 2,512 EUR 0,02 (0,72 %)
Madrid 2,512 EUR 0,02 (0,72 %)


CESVIMAP is teaching thousands of workshops that work with MAPFRE around the world how to repair cars sustainably

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This is the second Sustainability Dialog, which explains why CESVIMAP is teaching thousands of workshops that work with MAPFRE around the world how to repair cars sustainably.

We live on a planet with limited resources where the traditional economic model—based on a consume-and-throw away pattern—has a huge impact and is completely altering the natural ecosystem.

The circular economy is based on the principle of recovering, reusing and recycling natural resources that have been extracted to ensure that they are being used in the most efficient way and generate the least possible impact on the environment. It is a model capable of creating business opportunities while protecting the environment and society.

in this second Sustainability Dialog, by MAPFRE, José María Cancer, General Manager at CESVIMAP, and Verónica Kuchinow, a specialist in rural development and waste management, discuss the origin and benefits of the circular economy and why, more than anything else, a culture shift is needed for this model to be implemented.


“Repairing bumpers helps us prevent the production of more than 1,200 metric tons of plastic per year”

The dialog between the two also illustrates why MAPFRE is committed to this production and consumption model and how a company like CESVIMAP, which is based in Ávila, recycles and reuses parts to contribute to sustainability.

The “Sustainability Dialogs” project is part of #PlayingOurPart with the aim of analyzing and reflecting on, in a clear and simple way, some of the major sustainability concerns most connected to our business.


The first Conversation on Sustainabilit