Madrid 2,182 EUR 0,01 (0,46 %)
Madrid 2,182 EUR 0,01 (0,46 %)

Generational Diversity

At MAPFRE, we are a global team made up of five generations. In this environment, our challenges include:
  • Building an inclusive culture and enabling different generations to share knowledge.
  • Recognizing and leveraging the strengths and skills of all available talent, regardless of age, so that everyone can improve and enrich our work with their diverse perspectives.
  • Implementing work models that meet our employees’ specific needs, considering their stage in life.

MAPFRE has Policies for Diversity and Equal Opportunity, Promotion, Selection and Mobility and Remuneration that uphold the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination on grounds of gender, race, age, marital status, disability, nationality, beliefs, or any other physical or social condition, in any people management process: selection, hiring, training, mobility, remuneration and evaluation.

Find out more about generational diversity at MAPFRE.

Outstanding Actions

Ageing Project

The main objective of MAPFRE’s Ageing Project is to consolidate a workplace that makes the most of all the talent available throughout the organization, regardless of age.

It was designed in Spain in 2019, and in 2020, it started with a quantitative and qualitative diagnostic (by analyzing employees’ demographic and organizational information and the opinions of senior talent). In 2021, the Master Plan was designed, defining three lines of action:

  • Promoting senior talent
  • Transitioning to retirement
  • Flexible working conditions

The Master Plan was deployed in 2022.

We value the knowledge of our senior talent

Mentoring: In a traditional and reverse format, MAPFRE promotes the exchange of knowledge between different generations. In 2020, the mentoring plan involved 154 mentors and 246 mentees.

Knowledge Management: Eureka, a platform available to all employees, is used for sharing knowledge on different subjects. In 2022, we had 1,450 contributors and 2,700 pieces of knowledge shared.


In addition to the performance recognition programs established in the company, MAPFRE rewards employee seniority as follows:

  • When employees reach 25 years of service, they receive a plaque or commemorative gift and a month’s salary as a bonus.
  • When employees reach 30 to 35 years of service, they are paid a month’s salary as a bonus.
  • When employees reach 40 years of service, they are paid two months’ salary as a bonus.

This reward system is applied in Spain, and employees also receive one more vacation day beginning the year in which they reach 25 years of service, gaining one additional day for every five additional years with the company.

We care about the health of our senior talent

MAPFRE promotes health initiatives that consider generational diversity, adapting its actions to this new scenario in which five different generations coexist at our company.

Monitoring collective health.  The health situation of our MAPFRE population is analyzed, considering the potential differences based on our employees’ gender and age. This makes it possible to adapt our employee health campaigns.

Monitoring individual health. Individual occupational health examinations are conducted, including specific diagnostic tests based on our employees’ ages:

  1. Age-related hearing loss screening
  2. Age-related macular degeneration screening
  3. Early detection of prostate disease
  4. Detection of cardiovascular risk
  5. Prevention of skin aging, early detection of skin cancer
  6. Assistance with climacteric-related changes

Collaborations in the area of senior talent

MAPFRE participates in various forums and working groups focused on analyzing generational diversity management in organizations and improving employment opportunities for senior groups.

Generation & Talent Observatory

MAPFRE has been a member of the Generation & Talent Observatory, a body for research, analysis and training on generational diversity and its impact on organizations’ socio-economic-labor reality, since its constitution in 2015. MAPFRE signed the Generational Diversity Principles Code of the Generation & Talent Observatory, is part of its Promoting Committee and Advisory Council, and actively participates in all the initiatives underway. To date, it has participated in three research cycles promoted by the Observatory, together with its academic partners–Comillas Pontifical University ICAI-ICADE and the Universidad Europea–and its Corporate Network (which includes MAPFRE), that have addressed three important dimensions of generational management: Intergenerational Talent, Intergenerational Leadership and Intergenerational Health and Well-being.

Fundación SERES: Diversity Labs

MAPFRE participates actively in the Diversity Labs, mainly related to gender and generations, organized by Fundación SERES for affiliated companies. These workshops aim to generate inclusive environments from a strategic business approach.

EFR working group: Senior Talent

MAPFRE participates in the EFR working group promoted by Fundación Másfamilia to foster senior talent. The companies that make up this group work to anticipate and adapt to the new reality and share best practices for managing senior talent in organizations.

IE Benchmarking Club: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Lab

MAPFRE participates in the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Lab of the IE Business School’s Human Resources Benchmarking Club, an initiative launched in 2002 with the mission of helping companies achieve excellence in the strategic area of diversity management by measuring and comparing their people-management policies, practices and experiences.

IE University

MAPFRE has sponsored three reports from the IE University Demographics and Generational Diversity Observatory: “Senior workers in Spanish companies,” “Senior workers in European companies,” and “Intergenerationality: opportunity for innovation for companies and society.”

REFOCUS 21: Diversity as a driver of business transformation

MAPFRE participated in the round table discussion on “Diversity as a driver of business transformation,” in which the importance of seniors was highlighted in a context of high uncertainty.

Deusto Business School

MAPFRE participated in the meeting “Extending working lives: senior talent,” organized by Deusto Business School on the challenge of senior talent and how to extend working lives.