Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)

Generational Diversity

As a company of nearly 31,000 people, we believe that MAPFRE needs people of all ages. Having teams made up of different generations is a factor with direct repercussions on our competitiveness, creativity, innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

We have therefore taken significant actions to capitalize on the diversity of our talent.  These actions include the following:

Ageing Project

Senior talent at MAPFRE consists of highly experienced professionals who have dedicated many years of their professional lives to creating, managing, transforming and growing our companies, while transmitting our culture and values. This is why organizations have the responsibility to provide a work environment in which all employees can give the best of themselves throughout their working lives and, above all, to give them the opportunity to choose.  With this objective in mind, MAPFRE is carrying out the Ageing Project: because diversity and inclusion is a business imperative and the key lies in managing each person’s talent, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality and so on.

The Ageing Project is being implemented through various lines of action.

  • Promoting senior talent
  • Transitioning to retirement
  • Flexibility

Promoting senior talent

In order to capitalize on all the senior talent in the organization, specific training programs are being implemented to foster a pro-ageing culture and to reduce the digital gap. We also encourage both traditional and reverse mentoring programs and senior participation in knowledge projects.  

Transitioning to retirement

People approaching retirement need to have adequate social welfare and financial planning in order to transition to retirement in good financial health. To do so, we implement actions that promote awareness of the aging process itself and hold financial training actions that guide people on how to adequately prepare for their retirement.


Taking into account the stage in life of people approaching retirement, we are working on implementing new forms of gradual disengagement and new flexible models of entering retirement that allow for reconciling work and personal life.


MAPFRE participates in various forums and working groups focused on analyzing generational diversity management in organizations and improving employment opportunities for senior groups. 

Generation & Talent Observatory

We have been members of Generation & Talent Observatory  Spain since its creation in 2015 and is a member of its Promotion Committee and Advisory Board. In 2023, we have been collaborating with other companies on a Global Diversity Management Model, a tool to help organizations manage their workforces from a broad perspective. Since 2016 we have been a signatory to the observatory’s Code of Principles on Generational Diversity, which aims to promote the development of people management based on equal opportunities, regardless of age, and to foster respect for generational diversity in Spain. 

Fundación SERES

MAPFRE actively takes part in workshops organized by the Fundación Seres in Spain for different member companies in order to work for equality of opportunities in the labor market.

Senior Career and Talent 2023

MAPFRE tops the list of IBEX 35 companies “with the greatest real and long-term commitment to managing senior talent,” according to the 2023 Senior Career and Talent report, which analyzes the transparency and good governance of Spanish companies in relation to those aged over 50. We obtained the highest score in the IBEX 35, with 24 points, and we stand out for our recognition of generational diversity and elimination of any exclusionary or discriminatory behavior based on age.