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Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)


Taking care of the environment in your day-to-day life

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Environmental preservation and sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. And we need to be aware that every small step we take can make a big difference in our footprint.

We live in a world where sustainability and environmental conditions are becoming increasingly important and decisive for the future of the planet. The recent drought and water shortages are putting both the World Health Organization and other organizations on alert, and even government representatives worldwide. However, drought is just one more problem on the list of serious environmental problems we are facing today.

How can we individually protect the environment in our day-to-day lives?

A small gesture can change the world. This is the principle that we all must bear in mind. There are actions we can incorporate into our daily lives to achieve a more sustainable future.

Reduce the amount of waste you generate

In 2020, each inhabitant in Spain produced an alarming 473 kilos of urban waste. This is detrimental to the environment, hindered further by inconsistent sorting and lack of recycling efforts. We can reduce the amount of waste we produce, thereby contributing to the cause. The essential components include recycling, composting, and reducing the use of plastic. It is imperative to maintain proper recycling routines, including the sorting of waste into appropriate containers and segregating materials like paper, plastic, glass, metal, and organic waste.  

One other option is to compost the organic waste we generate, which would prevent it from ending up in landfills. Furthermore, by turning the organic waste into compost, it can be used as fertilizer for our plants. We could even plant an urban garden with our favorite vegetables and greens. Finally, reduce the amount of plastic used when shopping. Always carry reusable cloth or paper bags and a refillable water bottle, among many other substitutes for your typical waste.

We have already talked about how to be conscious consumers and how to make this transition to a more sustainable purchasing model.

Save energy

To create a more sustainable routine, it is essential to control energy consumption. Energy consumption significantly impacts the environment and our carbon footprint, and we must remember that the energy we use is not always from clean sources. Here are some tips to help you establish a routine that conserves energy and benefits the planet and your finances:

  • Switch off lights and appliances that are not in use.
  • Replace standard bulbs with energy-efficient ones.
  • Make the most of natural light in your home for as long as possible.

Moreover, choose renewable energy sources like installing solar panels or integrating wind energy to minimize reliance on fossil fuels whenever possible.

Sustainable mobility

The debate on fossil fuel mobility is still the order of the day. Meanwhile, we need to consider the pollution associated with transportation and prioritize the use of eco-friendly transportation options. Recent years have seen significant strides in transportation, including increased use of bicycles, public transportation, and walking, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, advancements in the automotive industry – particularly with hybrid and electric vehicles – provide opportunities for sustainable transportation in the future.

For this reason, at MAPFRE we continue to work to achieve healthy, safe and sustainable mobility, investing in new products and services through our innovation projects.

Responsible consumption

When it comes to shopping, we must consume responsibly and be increasingly aware of the environmental situation in which we find ourselves in order to avoid the negative consequences of consumerism:

  • Depletion of resources
  • Mass generation of waste
  • Deforestation and loss of diversity
  • Pollution and greenhouse gases
  • Inequality and job insecurity

We have already talked about how to make this transition to a more sustainable purchasing model.

Although it may not seem to be of great importance, proper consumption and choosing more sustainable products and foods helps reduce our carbon footprint and the waste we generate.

These are some of the sustainable practices that we can carry out individually, and each action is a step forward that with responsibility and involvement will translate into a more sustainable future.