Madrid 2,654 EUR 0,05 (+1,76 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR 0,05 (+1,76 %)


We celebrate our fourth sustainable Annual General Meeting

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MAPFRE’s forthcoming Annual General Meeting, to be held on March 10, will be characterized by criteria relating to inclusiveness, respect for diversity and protection of the environment. It will be a sustainable and the carbon emissions will be compensated with a reforestation project, yet another example of how we’re #PlayingOurPart.

The Annual General Meeting will be in-person and online as well as being sustainable, which means that all processes will be carried out with the aim of maximizing the company’s contribution to improving the environment and social commitment, thereby contributing to sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda.

The event’s carbon footprint will be calculated and the tons of CO2 emitted will be offset by financing a reforestation project to be undertaken in Spain.

Diversity and the environment

The planning and holding of this meeting is carried out in line with the Sustainable Management Standard of the Annual General Meeting and taking into account criteria regarding labor, inclusivity, respect for diversity and the protection of human rights and the environment.

The meeting will be accessible to all shareholders equally and will include simultaneous translation into sign language (SDG 16). Specific containers will be provided to facilitate segregated waste management and reusable materials will be availed of whenever possible (SDG 11 and 13).

More transparent

The meeting will also strengthen transparency and social dialog with stakeholders through the creation of a specific communication channel on the corporate website, where mailboxes have been incorporated to facilitate shareholder consultations. Surveys have also been provided to suppliers  and employees to provide information about the event.

AENOR is the organization responsible for certifying that the management system used for the 2023 Annual General Meeting complies with the requirements of the ISO 20121 standard for sustainable events.