The challenge of converting aggressive driving into pedestrian friendliness

Caitlin Creamer
Corporate Communications Specialist at MAPFRE Insurance
In the 2021 Look Both Ways campaign, Fundación MAPFRE and MassDOT urge drivers to be “aggressively kind” to challenge the stereotype that Massachusetts drivers are unfriendly on the road.
Look Both Ways encourages us to view things on the road from the perspective of others and put ourselves in the shoes of those who are walking, biking or driving nearby. By keeping others in mind, we can make our roads safer and more enjoyable.
After a pause in the campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic, Fundación MAPFRE is excited to share that the program will soon be going on the road, traveling to communities, schools and universities to raise awareness of road safety and being mindful whether you are a pedestrian or a driver. With the help of the driving simulation “React Challenge,” people can use virtual reality to test their skills on staying alert behind the wheel.
For more information on the Look Both Ways campaign, visit
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