Madrid 2,236 EUR -0,05 (-2,1 %)
Madrid 2,236 EUR -0,05 (-2,1 %)


MAPFRE recovers and recycles more than 3,200 tons of waste, 92% of the Group’s total waste

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In 2023, 673 tons of parts were recovered from more than 1,800 totaled vehicles

  • The company is increasing the amount of waste recycled, thus supporting responsible consumption of resources and the circular economy.

  • MAPFRE is on track to exceed its goal of recovering 90% of the waste managed by the Group by 2030.

  • Implementation of the ‘Zero Waste’ program has begun in different buildings in Spain, Mexico, Brazil, and Puerto Rico.

MAPFRE will take part in World Recycling Day, to be celebrated on May 17, where it will highlight its commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, one of the main global challenges. 

Last year, it processed 3,567 tons of waste globally, of which 92% (3,200 tons), underwent valorization processes, i.e., recovery, recycling, or energy production. This figure is two points ahead of the target set for 2030. 

Of note are the efforts of CESVIMAP, MAPFRE’s R&D center, which, last year, recovered 673 tons of components from totaled vehicles through CESVIrecambios, following the processing of 1,887 vehicles in Spain. This global technology center specializes in vehicle repair and recycling, among other services, and is a reference in how to dispose of vehicles in a sustainable way and, thus, extend the life of parts, facilitate the reuse of raw materials (e.g., plastic and glass), and reduce energy consumption. 

Since its start-up more than 40 years ago, the center has also performed low-speed crash tests on more than 800 vehicles, including cars, vans, motorcycles, and electric scooters, to assess their damage and identify sustainable repair methods that avoid waste generation. The initiative also uses second-hand batteries from electric vehicles to store the energy produced by the self-consumption photovoltaic plant located in Ávila. As a result, CESVIMAP has produced 75 MWh of photovoltaic energy, thus increasing the generation of this renewable energy source by 21%. In addition, the center has achieved direct self-consumption of 62 MWh, as well as 13 MWh for storage and deferred consumption.

Carbon neutral by 2030

MAPFRE aims to become a carbon-neutral company by 2030. Such a commitment promotes responsible resource consumption, as well as waste reduction, reuse, and recycling, among other measures. 

In 2023, as a result of the Eco-RAEE project, the Group repurposed a total of 14,550.62 kg of computer equipment through donations. Within Spain, 23% of the entire computer equipment inventory underwent refurbishment, effectively preventing the emission of 108 tCO2e. 

Two other initiatives stand out: the implementation of biometric electronic document signatures has conserved 276 tons of paper, thereby preventing the emission of 251.75 tCO2e in Spain and Portugal; and the ‘Zero Waste’ initiative has made it possible to recycle 412 tons of waste within one year, effectively processing 100% of the waste generated in the buildings at its headquarters in Majadahonda, Madrid. This model is being deployed in other buildings in Spain and in other countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and Puerto Rico.