Madrid 2,484 EUR -0,01 (-0,24 %)
Madrid 2,484 EUR -0,01 (-0,24 %)


MAPFRE is observing World Energy Efficiency Day

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It consumes 22% less energy per year and avoids emissions of more
than 7,000 mt of co2e into the atmosphere


      • MAPFRE has doubled its energy consumption reduction target set for 2023, which had been 11%.
      • The company promotes efficient energy consumption and the use of renewable energies to achieve neutrality by 2030.
      • In 2023, 36.7% of the electricity purchased at the headquarters in Madrid avoided the emission of 437 tons of CO2e.
      • It has pledged that 50% of the surface area of the large buildings it owns will be certified sustainable by 2030.

      MAPFRE is moving forward in its commitment to energy efficiency as a key element of its decarbonization strategy and with the objective of achieving neutrality by 2030 in all the countries where it operates.

      In 2023, the company reduced its energy consumption by 33 GWh, 22% less compared to 2019, a figure that exceeds last year’s target of 11%. All this is made possible by a series of measures, including: the installation of photovoltaic panels; the implementation of hybrid work models; the optimization of work spaces; investment in energy efficiency and the renewal of car fleets to ECO and more efficient engines. Thanks to this decrease in consumption, the insurance company avoided releasing 7,773 MT of CO2e into the atmosphere last year.

      A total of 8,930 photovoltaic panels were installed at some of its headquarters in Spain, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Peru, generating a total of 3.51GWh, that is, 9.3% less in the electricity bill of these buildings. In Spain, the company uses energy from 100% renewable sources and has reduced the amount of electricity purchased from the grid at its headquarters by 36.7% compared to 2019. All this was due to the 4,700 latest-generation photovoltaic solar panels put into operation in 2022, which in 2023 generated 1.62 GWh and prevented the emission of 437 tCO2e into the atmosphere.

      In addition, during the past year, other initiatives have been maintained to adjust the climate control in the Group’s buildings, with the aim of adjusting temperatures to achieve greater energy efficiency. Examples include the “Warm Biz” campaign in Spain and Mexico, aimed at saving energy consumption in winter, and “Cool Biz” in Spain, Argentina, Paraguay and Mexico, aimed at saving energy consumption in air conditioning in summer. The objective of both campaigns is to adjust the indoor temperature by one degree Celsius, resulting in energy savings of approximately 7%.

      The insurance company is also applying sustainability criteria to the way it designs and constructs buildings, and it has established a target for 50% of the surface area of the main office buildings it owns to have a sustainable building certification from LEED, BREEAM or Energy Star by 2030.

      At the close of 2023, 46% of the surface area of these properties already had one of these certifications – 10% more than last year – enabling reductions of 30% to 70% in energy use, 30% to 50% in water consumption and approximately 35% in CO2 emissions.

      The company currently has a total of 42 buildings with ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management and 24 with ISO 50001 certification for Energy Management, under an integrated management system that promotes the efficient use of energy, water and raw materials.

      Another noteworthy initiative aimed at improving energy efficiency in 2023 was the replacement of conventional lighting with LED lights in Spain, Italy, Mexico and Turkey. This will bring expected savings of 194,161 kWh per year, as well as improvements in climate control systems at points in Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the US, with an expected savings of 308,947 kWh per year.