Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)

HEALTH | 05.06.2020

Three million euros for mobile ICUs, hospital beds and medical supplies

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Fundación MAPFRE takes action in Brazil, working decisively to help clients, providers and SMEs in the most seriously affected states in the country.

Brazil is one of the countries that has benefited most in terms of financial contributions from Fundación MAPFRE in order to better protect its population from the virus and help the most disadvantaged groups.

The donation, totaling 3 million euros, is being allocated to various public health institutions in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, which are the states with the highest number of registered COVID-19 cases to date.

This aid has already helped provide 10 mobile ICUs for a field hospital being built in São Paulo’s Pacaembu Stadium; 10 ICU beds and 10 nursing beds for the Mater Dei Health Network; 50 ICU beds for the Municipal Hospital Campo Limpo in São Paulo, aimed at increasing care capacity for critical patients with respiratory failure; as well as 50,000 masks and 100,000 pairs of gloves, which will be distributed across São Paulo’s public hospitals.

Clients and SMEs

They have also developed a series of actions to continue taking care of their clients and partners. For example, they are paying Life insurance indemnification in the event of death due to the new virus, and including special conditions in automobiles and other insurance, as well as launching a specific channel in the Innovation Platform ( to support service providers and SMEs in surviving the complex economic situation.