Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
ECONOMY | 13.05.2021

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China’s position in a tripolarized world

China closed 2020 as the world’s fastest growing economy, ahead of the U.S and Europe.  The Economic and Industry Outlook report from MAPFRE Economics points out that the Asian giant’s objective is to become the world’s leading power. To achieve this lofty goal, the country will need to modernize its economy. Meanwhile, Biden’s government fears being relegated to the background if the trade agreements, currently delayed by Brussels, between the European bloc and the Asiatic bloc are strengthened.

ESG training for MAPFRE financial advisors at Escuela FEF

MAPFRE professionals who offer financial advice and are MiFID II certified will participate in the ESG Essentials course in May, which is being given by the Fundación de Estudios Financieros. The aim of the agreement is to level up the attendees’ knowledge of sustainability, social and governance criteria, to which MAPFRE is fully committed.

How does MAPFRE contribute to the objectives of the Leaders Summit on Climate?

Last week, more than 40 world leaders participated in the Climate Summit, a meeting to make progress in reducing emissions and combating climate change. MAPFRE shares these aims and remains dedicated to the decarbonization with an investment policy that moves away from the coal market and actively bets on renewable energies. One more example of #PlayingOurPart.

“The important thing is not the data itself, but the upward trend in inflation”

The markets seem to be anxious about the upcoming movement in corporate stocks. In an interview on Radio Intereconomía, Ismael García Puente, fund selector at MAPFRE Gestión Patrimonial, analyzes the improvement in growth forecasts for Spain from Brussels and advises investors to go with varied and diversified portfolios at a time of economic recovery.

Fundamental changes in savings going unnoticed

The pandemic has accelerated deep changes that were already underway, such as the savings levels of Spanish families. Javier Olías, territorial regional manager at MAPFRE, explains in the 2020 Estrategia Empresarial yearbook the importance of carefully planning savings targets in a context of economic downturn.

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