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MAPFRE recognized in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024

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  • 759 companies across more than 60 sectors included in this prestigious ranking.
    • The S&P Global publication classifies those companies most committed to society and the planet.
    • MAPFRE continues implementing its Sustainability Plan 2022-2024 to address social and environmental challenges.

      MAPFRE has once again been selected among the world’s leading companies in sustainability by virtue of its inclusion for the fifth straight year in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024, a prestigious annual publication by S&P Global that ranks the companies most committed to society and the planet.

      In this edition, MAPFRE scored 71 points out of 100 in S&P’s Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) and is in the top 6 percent of companies in its sector, as evaluated by S&P.

      Climate change and more sustainable insurance

      This year’s report highlights that “the insurance industry, one of the most exposed to losses from events linked to climate change, has demonstrated leadership in integrating sustainability into the business strategy” and that leading insurers, such as MAPFRE, “are increasingly considering long-term sustainability trends and factors in the development of new sustainable insurance solutions, as well as in their risk assessments and claims management processes. This includes the risk of climate change and cybersecurity risk. ” The report also points out that “leading insurers, particularly in life insurance, are exploring ways to use advances in digital technology to offer innovative products tailored to clients’ needs, as well as encouraging healthier lifestyles through lower premiums.”

      9,400 companies analyzed

      Now in its 20th edition, S&P, a specialist publisher of financial research reports and analysis, analyzed 9,400 companies (1,600 more than in 2023) in more than 60 sectors, and selected a total of 759 companies, 51 more than in 2023.

      In order to be included as a member in the Yearbook, companies must achieve a score that is 15 percent above the level of sustainability performance of the rest of their sector, as well as achieve results that are at the same level as 30 percent of the companies with the best performance in their industry, across environmental, social and governance criteria.

      Other recognitions

      MAPFRE is part of the FTSE4Good, the sustainability stock market index created by the London Stock Exchange and was scored above the insurance industry average in environmental, social and governance criteria. It is also a member of the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2023.

      Responsible business

      MAPFRE continues to implement its Sustainability Plan 2022-2024, an ambitious plan that includes more than 20 objectives to tackle social and environmental challenges, with demanding commitments, with ESG-oriented products and services and with corporate governance that acts ethically and transparently. This plan facilitates MAPFRE in #PlayingOurPart, which is the Group’s sustainability slogan, and is centered on people and based on real action, working from the firm conviction that thousands of gestures add to the shared objective of contributing to a fairer, more prosperous and inclusive world.