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Madrid 2,638 EUR -0,02 (-0,6 %)

CORPORATE | 09.26.2019

Rosa María García García, new board director at MAPFRE

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Rosa María García García, new board director at MAPFRE
MAPFRE has appointed Rosa María García García as a board director, substituting Georg Daschner as an independent director on the Group’s most senior supervisory body. Mr. Daschner stepped down as a member in August, having reached the age of 70, the maximum permitted under the Group’s statutes.

Rosa María García García will add value to the MAPFRE Board through the valuable experience she has gained working in numerous multinational companies in the field of technology, transformation and innovation, and her enriched vision of the business world will contribute to broadening the professional diversity of the Board of Directors.

Rosa María García graduated with a degree in mathematics from the Autonomous University of Madrid, and has over the years developed a strong professional career in the fields of technology, energy and infrastructure. She has worked in different multinational companies, including Microsoft (where she became director of corporate strategic projects for the entire Group, and president and CEO of Microsoft Ibérica) and Siemens Spain, where she was executive chairwoman and CEO. She has also served as director of various companies, including Banesto, BME, Acerinox and Bankinter. Rosa is currently a member of the board of directors of Tubacex and Sener.

Rosa María García García’s joining MAPFRE also further enhances the Board’s gender diversity. There are now five women members out a total of 15 directors, bringing the percentage of women representatives to 33 percent. The other four female directors are Catalina Miñarro Brugarolas, who is also second vice chairwoman, Ana Isabel Fernández Alvarez, María Leticia De Freitas Costa and Pilar Perales Viscasillas.