Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)

CORPORATE | 31.08.2022

MAPFRE formaliza la venta de ABDA y ABDA Assistance

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MAPFRE hereby informs that today, and once the prerequisite administrative authorizations were received, it has formalized the sale to Warburg Pincus LLC of the entirety of its holdings in the companies PT ASURANSI BINA DANA ARTA TBK (ABDA) and PT MAPFRE ABDA ASSISTANCE, amounting to 62.33% and 51.00%, respectively.

The final consideration for this transaction has reached 62.9 million dollars, equivalent to approximately 62.8 million euros, and it has generated a result net of taxes of approximately 8.4 million euros.