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Madrid 2,296 EUR -0 (-0,09 %)

Environmental Footprint

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We have an opportunity to reflect on our impact on the planet and to promote a more ethical lifestyle in harmony with the environment, even though transforming our habits and behavior poses a real cultural challenge. Reducing our environmental footprint is a key element of our company’s interventions in the area of environmental responsibility.

In order to make good on the environmental commitments set out in our Environment Policy and meet the group’s public goal of carbon neutrality by 2030, we have developed the Corporate Environmental Footprint Plan 2021-2030 to reduce and offset our environmental footprint in the countries where we operate.

Path to carbon neutrality by 2030

(*) 2019 is established as the baseline for the 2030 Corporate Environmental Footprint Plan.
(**) At locations where technically feasible. This would allow us to join the RE100 initiative led by the Climate Group and CDP.

Corporate Environmental Footprint Plan 2021– 2030

(2019 is set as the baseline for the objectives of this plan)


Carbon footprint


Energy efficiency

Edificación sostenible 256

Sustainable construction

Movilidad sostenible 256

Sustainable mobility

Waste management

Compra verde 256

Green procurement

Water management