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Home > Fernando Pérez Serrabona


Fernando Pérez-Serrabona García

Personal details:

Full name:

 Fernando Pérez-Serrabona García.

Date and place of birth:

August 14, 1964.


  • Degree in Economics and Business Studies, Complutense University, Madrid.
  • Degree in Law, National University of Distance Education (UNED).

Main job titles:

  • CEO of the Brazil Regional Area (since January 2019).

Previous job titles:

  • General Manager of SOLUNION (from 2013 to December 2018).
  • General Manager of MAPFRE CAUCIÓN Y CRÉDITO (from 2012 to 2013).
  • General Manager of the MAPFRE AMÉRICA CAUCIÓN Y CRÉDITO holding com-pany (from 2000 to 2012).