Revenue June 2019
Premiums June 2019
At the close of June 2019, the multiyear PEMEX policy was renewed in Mexico for the amount of 445.1 million euros.
Non-Life premiums grew 5.1 percent, marked primarily by the effect of issuing the PEMEX policy, while Life premiums grew 10.7 percent, of which, Life-Protection grew 10.8 percent, primarily from the positive development of this business in Brazil (+18.3 percent), and Life-Savings grew (+10.6 percent) as a result of the elevated growth of this business in Spain (+11.3 percent). By Non-Life business type, Auto is the most important line, with almost 3.5 billion euros in premiums. General P&C holds second place, also with close to 3.5 billion euros, and Health and Accident is in third place with 950 million euros in premiums.
Combined ratio June 2019
Net result June 2019
The attributable result to June 2019 reached 374.5 million euros, a decrease of 2.9 percent. This result includes:
- An increase in the Non-Life technical result, with significant improvements in LATAM, especially in Brazil, as well as in North America.
- Lower capital gains realized in the period.
- Lower contribution from the Life business.
Balance sheet
Balance sheet to June 2019
Total assets reached 73.6 billion euros at June 30, 2019 and grew 9.3 percent compared to the close of the previous year. These changes include increases in financial investments and in technical provisions, due to the growth from insurance activity and financial market movements.
The increase in shareholders’ equity also reflects the improvement in the market value of financial assets available for sale, and the positive development of currency conversion differences, primarily from the appreciation of the Brazilian real and the US dollar.
Assets Under Management
Solvency II
The Solvency II ratio for MAPFRE Group stood at 189.1 percent at March 31, 2019, compared to 189.5 percent at the close of December 2018. The ratio maintained great solidity and stability, backed by high levels of diversification and strict investment and ALM policies.
- High quality capital base: 87% of eligible own funds are Tier 1.
- “Fully loaded” Solvency II ratio: 173.9% (excluding impact of transitional measures on technical provisions and equity).
Strategic Plan 2019-2021

Client orientation
Our team is 100% client oriented. We are committed to a competitive model, which puts clients at the center of everything we do, with the aim of offering an optimal experience at every moment of contact with MAPFRE. We want to know, understand and enhance customer loyalty; increase productivity in all our channels and innovate in products, services and experiences for our clients.

Excellence in technical and operational management
We work to improve our efficiency, adapting our structure to offer an excellent service, with a global, flexible and open technology that enables us to increase our competitiveness.

Culture and talent
Strengthening the commitment of everyone working at MAPFRE, we wish to continue adapting to changes with new skills that allow us to face future challenges.
We continue working to become a benchmark for sustainability. MAPFRE is a group committed to sustainable development and, especially, with the fight against climate change.
Relevant events

MAPFRE completes the acquisition from Bankia of 51% of Caja Granada Vida and Caja Murcia Vida y Pensiones
April 2019
With regard to MAPFRE’s acquisition (through its subsidiary MAPFRE VIDA) from BANKIA S.A. of 51% of the share capital of the insurance entities Caja Granada Vida, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. and Cajamurcia Vida y Pensiones de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A, announced via relevant fact this past December 5, 2018 (registration number 272,126), MAPFRE hereby gives notice that, having obtained the corresponding administrative authorizations, said acquisition has been completed in the terms set out in the above mentioned relevant fact notification.

MAPFRE joins SpainSIF, the platform that promotes socially responsible investment in Spain
May 2019
MAPFRE has become a member of SpainSIF, the non-profit organization that is a point of reference for all financial entities regarding sustainable and responsible investment in Spain.

WiZink and MAPFRE sign an agreement to distribute auto and homeowners insurance
May 2019
WiZink and MAPFRE have signed a collaboration agreement by means of which the bank will sell MAPFRE auto and homeowners insurance to its clients. Thanks to this agreement, WiZink clients will be able, by phone, to take out TÚ ELIGES auto insurance in its various forms of coverage, from third party to full coverage, as well as FAMILIAR and TOTAL homeowners insurance.

MAPFRE and SANTALUCÍA sign agreement to jointly develop their funeral business in Spain
June 2019
MAPFRE and SANTALUCÍA have formalized a strategic alliance for the joint development of their respective funeral businesses in Spain. The result of this alliance will be a leading group in the Spanish funeral market with direct and indirect reach extending to 100 percent of the territory, and one of the main players in the European market, providing more than 70,000 funeral services.

MAPFRE clients will have discounts in their purchases through the insurer’s Loyalty Plan
MAPFRE clients will be able to benefit from up to a 10% discount in their purchases on The e-commerce company will apply discounts to MAPFRE clients who shop on, and MAPFRE will reimburse the clients with Tréboles (1 trébol = 1 euro), which they will be able to use for the renewal of their insurance policies.

MAPFRE launches a fund that invests in companies that actively seek the inclusion of people with disabilities
June 2019
MAPFRE Inclusión Responsable combines profit with social impact; it is developed in collaboration with La Financière Responsable and will be sold all over Europe. It is the first fund of its kind in the world.

Shareholders receive the final dividend of 0.0857 euros per share
June 2019

Formalization of the agreement MAPFRE-Santander
June 2019
With regard to MAPFRE’s acquisition (through its subsidiary MAPFRE ESPAÑA) from BANCO SANTANDER of 50.01% of a newly created company which will sell auto, commercial multi-risk, SME multi-risk and third party liability insurance, to be exclusively distributed in the BANCO SANTANDER network in Spain, announced via relevant fact (number 274035) on January 21, 2019, it is hereby informed that once the corresponding authorizations were received, said acquisition was completed in the terms stated in the above mentioned publication.
Dividends and Shareholders
MAPFRE continues creating value for its shareholders
On June 25, the final dividend of 0.0857 euros gross per share was distributed, after having applied the amount corresponding to treasury stock proportionately to the remaining shares.