Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)
Madrid 2,654 EUR -0,03 (-1,26 %)

CORPORATE | 09.08.2020




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· JAIME TAMAYO IBAÑEZ. Graduate in Law. He joined MAPFRE in 1993 and in 1994 he relocated to MAPFRE Puerto Rico where he held numerous management positions. In 2005 he was named CEO of MAPFRE Florida. In September 2008 he was appointed Chief Operations Officer (COO) of MAPFRE USA. In July of 2010 he was named President and CEO of the company and in 2014 he became Regional CEO for North America. In 2017 he was named CEO of the International Territorial Area, a position he currently holds.


· JOSE MANUEL CORRAL VÁZQUEZ. Graduate of Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Oviedo. He joined MAPFRE VIDA in Oviedo in December 1993 as a Production inspector. He has held various positions in MAPFRE, such as Sales Advisor and Head of the Financial Team in Oviedo, Office Manager in León, Territorial Head for León and Zamora, Territorial Manager for León, Business Manager for Galicia South Subcentral and Sales Manager of RED MAPFRE. In 2012 he was appointed to the role of Assistant Manager for the Spain Agency Network and in 2015 he was named Deputy General Manager for Business at MAPFRE ESPAÑA and Regional Business and Clients Manager of IBERIA. Since 2017, he has been Group Chief Business and Clients Officer.


· JESÚS MARTÍNEZ CASTELLANOS. Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences and an Insurance Actuary. He joined MAPFRE in 1989 and held various positions, among them Manager of the Companies Division and General Manager for Sales and Marketing at MAPFRE VIDA. In 2011 he was named General Manager of Business at MAPFRE VIDA, Managing Director of MAPFRE SEGUROS DE EMPRESAS and Third Vice Chairman of the Spain and Portugal Insurance Division. In 2014 he was named Business and Clients General Manager at MAPFRE ESPAÑA. In 2015 he was promoted to CEO of MAPFRE Mexico, and since 2016 he has also held the title of CEO of LATAM North.


· RENZO CALDA GIURATO. Bachelor’s degree in business administration from the Adelphi University in Nueva York, with a major in Marketing. He began his career in the sales area of the La Nacional insurance company in 1989, reaching deputy management level in 1991. In 1994 he led the acquisition of the insurer El Sol and the subsequent merger, which gave birth to El SOL NACIONAL, where he became general manager. In 1999 he took over the position of CEO of MAPFRE PERÚ VIDA COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS. In 2007 he was named chairman and CEO of MAPFRE PERÚ COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS, a position he currently holds.


· FELIPE COSTA DA SILVEIRA NASCIMENTO. Higher degree in Business Administration, Executive Development Program from the University of Alcalá, and an Advanced Management Program at IESE. He joined MAPFRE in 2005 as General Manager of Technology and Operations at the BB E MAPFRE group in Brazil. In 2014 he was named Manager of IT and Operations for the Brazil Regional Area. In 2015 he relocated to Spain, becoming Chief Information Officer at MAPFRE, a position he currently holds.


· LUIS JULIAN TRINCHET ROMERO. Graduate of Law from UNED, a Master’s in Sales Management from ESIC and Executive Development Program from the University of Alcalá. He joined MAPFRE in 1993. In 2007 he was named Assistant Manager for Sales in the Bancassurance channel. In 2010 he took on the role of Assistant Manager for Complementary channels in RED MAPFRE. In 2013 he was appointed Manager of Health Business Development and Special Operations. In 2016 he took on the role of Sales Manager for Automobiles and Property. In 2017 he was appointed Manager of the Brokers channel and subsequently became Assistant General Manager of the same channel. Since January of 2019 he has been Territorial General Manager (South) in MAPFRE ESPAÑA.


· JOSÉ MARÍA ROMERO LORA. Graduate of Business with a Master’s in Sales Management and Marketing from the King Juan Carlos University. He began his professional career in MAPFRE in 1990, holding various positions, both in the sales and technical areas. He was later named as Territorial Manager for Cádiz-Ceuta, and for six years he also held the role of MAPFRE Territorial Manager in Extremadura. In 2016 he was appointed Sales Manager at MAPFRE Mexico, and in 2019 he was named CEO of the Central America Subregion and the Dominican Republic, a position he currently holds.


· MOIRA C. ROMERO. Higher Technical University graduate in Technology and a Public Accountant. She joined MAPFRE in 1988, holding numerous positions before becoming Technology Manager in 2003. In 2005 she was named Technology and Processes Manager and Executive Manager for Special Projects at MAPFRE Brazil. In 2011 she joined the Central America team in Panama as Technology and Processes Manager for the region. In 2017 she was named Technology and Processes Manager for the LATAM South Regional Area, a position she currently holds.


· RAUL COSTILLA PRIETO. Graduate of Agricultural Technical Engineering. He joined MAPFRE in April 1997 in Zamora. After a brief stint at the Ponferrada office, in 2001 he joined the Northeast General Management headquarters in Oviedo as Regional Manager of MAPFRE Agropecuaria. In February of 2004 he relocated to MAPFRE Praico (Puerto Rico), where he was named President and CEO in February 2006. In January 2013 he returned to Spain to hold the position of Territorial General Manager for the North. In 2017 he was named Business and Clients Manager for the IBERIA Regional Area, a position he currently holds.


· JAVIER DEL RIO MARTÍN. Graduate in Economics and an Insurance Actuary. He joined MAPFRE in 1988, working in different functions in the claims and actuarial areas of MAPFRE Seguros Generales. In 2004 he was named General Manager of MAPFRE Guanarteme. In 2005 he took on the role of Deputy General Manager of Operations at MAPFRE Seguros Generales. In 2007 he was appointed Assistant General Manager of MAPFRE Familiar and in 2009 he became Deputy General Manager of MAPFRE Familiar. In 2014 he was named Technical Deputy General Manager. In 2017 he was appointed Regional Manager of Operations in the IBERIA Regional Area and in 2018 he was named Deputy General Manager of the Non-Life Insurance Technical Area, a position he currently holds.


· JAVIER OLIVEROS PÉREZ. Graduate of Agricultural Technical Engineering. He joined MAPFRE in 1990 as a sales inspector in León. In 1992 he was named Office Manager in Zamora, and in 1994 he became Regional Manager for Automobiles in Badajoz, and in 1996 he was made Regional Manager for Automobiles in Madrid. In 1999 he was named vice chairman for Automobiles at Vera Cruz Aseguradora in Brazil. In 2005 he returned to Spain as Assistant Manager in the Businesses Development Area. In 2008 he took over the Business Development Management at MAPFRE Familiar, before moving on to run the Clients Area General Management in 2009. In 2015 he was named Territorial General Manager for Madrid, a position he currently holds.


· JOSÉ RAMÓN ALEGRE CABRELLES. Graduate of Economic and Business Sciences and PDM (Program for Management Development – IESE). He joined MAPFRE in 1999 as an Export Risk Analyst in MAPFRE Caución y Crédito, having prior to holding the position of Key Accounts Supervisor. In 2002 he was transferred to Puerto Rico as Sales Network Supervisor, and in 2003 he took the position of Sales and Marketing Manager in MAPFRE Florida. He returned to Spain in 2007, becoming Manager of Club MAPFRE within the MAPFRE Familiar Unit. In 2012 he took on the functions of Sales Manager of the proprietary network, and in 2016 he was named CEO of Verti Germany, the position he currently holds.


· MIGUEL ÁNGEL ROSA GÁMEZ. Graduate in Administration and Business Management He joined MAPFRE RE in 2002, where he held various roles in the business areas. In 2009 he was named Affiliates Manager and in 2013 he was appointed Deputy Manager to the General Manager, before becoming Manager for Non-Life Underwriting Contracts in 2015. In 2017 he took on the role of Deputy General Manager and Chief Underwriting Officer, a position he currently holds.


· JAVIER MORENO GONZÁLEZ. Graduate of Economic and Business Sciences and MDA (Master’s in Insurance Management) from the ICEA. He joined the Technical General Management of MAPFRE’s Health Unit in 2000. He held various roles in the areas of Claims, Risks and Health Costs at MAPFRE Caja Salud, until being named Manager of Individual Benefits in 2009. In 2015 he moved on to become Health Manager, before being appointed Corporate Manager for Life Business Development in the Corporate Business and Clients Area, a position he currently holds.


· ALFREDO CASTELO MARIN. A graduate of Economic and Actuarial Sciences, he joined MAPFRE as Deputy Manager to the General Management of MAPFRE Industrial on July 1 of 2004. In January of 2005 he was named Assistant General Manager and in 2006, he became General Manager of MAPFRE Caución y Crédito, a position he held while also serving in 2007 as General Manager of MAPFRE Empresas. In June of 2011 he moved on to hold the position of CEO of the Global Risks Business Unit. In 2017 he relocated to the United States after being named Regional CEO for North America, a position he currently holds.


· VANESSA ESCRIVÁ GARCÍA. Graduate in Advanced Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She joined MAPFRE in March of 2007 as a Systems Auditor in the IT Audit area. In January 2009 she was named Internal Audit Manager for Information Technology. In July 2006 she joined the Corporate Technology and Processes Area, where she was named Technology Manager in the Global Corporate Solutions area and in February of 2018 she was named Assistant General Manager for Technology Solutions, a position she currently holds.


· ENRIQUE DE LA TORRE VELASCO. Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences and the Senior Management Program at IESE, and CREA-certified (Insurance Entity Risk Management) by the IEB (Institute for Market Studies). He joined MAPFRE VIDA in 1992, working in the Internal Audit Area, before moving on to run the Accounting Area in 2000, and in 2002 he took over the Administration Area Management. In 2011 he was named Risks Manager for MAPFRE Spain and Portugal, and in 2014 he relocated to Mexico as Regional Manager for Finances and Resources in the LATAM North Region. In 2015 he was named General Manager for Individual Risks at MAPFRE Brazil, and in 2018, he took on the role of Administration-Finance Manager at Brasil Seguros, a position he currently holds.


· FELIPE NAVARRO LÓPEZ DE CHICHERI. Graduate of Economic Sciences, MBA from the University of Alcalá / Fundación MAPFRE. He joined MAPFRE S.A. in 2002, working in the Acquisitions area. In 2007 he was named Manager of the Bancassurance Channel in MAPFRE VIDA. In 2010 he was appointed Assistant Manager for Institutional Relations and Investees. In 2015 he was named CEO of MAPFRE in Malta, a position he currently holds.